
Are your Air Ducts sweating in your Parkland, Florida home?

Learn more about Cold Attic Syndrome Problems!

Air Quality Control Environmental: Cold Attic Syndrome Experts in Coral Springs and Parkland, Florida 
Air Quality Control Environmental has been a resource for mold problems and overall indoor air quality in Coral Springs and Parkland, Florida since the early portion of the 1990s, and we are a second-generation, family-owned company. We are locals helping other locals, and we take our responsibility to the community very seriously. Our company provides timely and affordable service, and we make a concerted effort to earn the trust of our customers on every level.

Cold Attic Syndrome

The Heron Bay section of Coral Springs and Parkland, Florida is a very desirable Broward County location, and South Florida life is something that many people around the country can only dream about. For the most part, we have great weather all year around, so you can enjoy outdoor activities without any interruptions. However, on the downside, it gets very hot during the summer months, and air conditioners have to work exceptionally hard. As a response, many people in this area have taken steps to improve energy efficiency through the utilization of modern attic cooling techniques. These improvements reduce energy consumption, but cold attic syndrome can enter the picture. The temperature of the attic relative to the outdoor temperature can allow moisture to accumulate in the attic. This can cause a variety of different problems, and mold and mildew growth is one of them.

It takes a particular brand of expertise to address cold attic syndrome, and the ideal response will depend upon the circumstances. Our company has a great deal of experience with cold attic syndrome in Coral Springs and Parkland, Florida, and we would be more than glad to evaluate your attic if you think that cold attic syndrome and may be present in your home. We can diagnose the situation and recommend the appropriate solution.

Wondering if you Parkland home is affected by this? Call 954-345-5821 today!

Total Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Cold attic syndrome is one problem that can affect residents of Parkland and Coral Springs, Florida, but it is not the only condition that can cause diminished indoor air quality. Regular air duct cleaning can help to maintain the cleanliness of the air that you are breathing, and there are also some very effective air purification systems on the market today. If you would like to discuss cold attic syndrome, mold problems, or any other air quality matter with a member of our team, we can be reached by phone right now at 954-345-5821.

Air Quality Control Environmental: Addressing Cold Attic Syndrome in Parkland, Florida

Our company, Air Quality Control Environmental, is the premier indoor air quality and mold solutions resource serving Parkland.

Cold Attic Syndrome in Parkland

Though the climate is a positive, the hottest months of the summer can put a strain on air conditioning systems. The sun shines intensely on south Florida roofs, and this can cause a great deal of heat in your attic. This will increase the temperature throughout the rest of the home, so the air conditioning system will have to work harder, and it may not be able to cool the home to your liking. Short of this, the lack of energy efficiency will drive up utility bills. Modern building techniques have been able to mitigate this problem through the utilization of certain cooling methods. However, there can be an unwanted side effect called cold attic syndrome, and it is not uncommon in Parkland and Coral Springs. The reduced temperature in the attic can cause moisture accumulation, and where there is moisture, there can be mold and mildew growth.  Since we are mold problem experts, we have a great deal of experience with cold attic syndrome in Parkland, and we have a thorough understanding of the responses that can be implemented to eliminate the problem.

Have you checked your home? Call 954-345-5821 today.

Contact the Parkland, Florida Indoor Air Quality Experts!

If you are a resident of Heron Bay, Parkland Golf and Country Club, or another nearby development, we are here for you if you have a problem with cold attic syndrome or any other indoor air quality issue. We do impeccable work in the field, but we also place an emphasis on world-class customer service from the first moment that you reach out to us on the phone. You can get in touch with us at 954-345-5821 if you have any questions, and you can also send us a message through our contact page

For Duct Cleaning & Air Purification Services in South Florida, contact us today.